Surviving Breast Cancer

Aug 7, 20221 min

End of Life Logistics, Advanced Directives, and Estate Planning Toolkit

We understand that preparing for the end of life is a daunting task and can be a topic that many people and families avoid. This is not uncommon and we know how challenging this can be. Talking about death and end of life is no longer taboo. In fact, the more we talk about it, share our wishes, and speak with estate planners, we are not only ensuring that our end of life is as beautiful and comfortable as possible, we are also giving our families and loved ones peace of mind and enabling them time to grieve, instead of needing to manage the follow up that can quickly become overwhelming during a time of difficulty. Planning ahead is one of the greatest gifts you can leave your family.


Financial and Estate Planning

Estate Planning - Access and Authority with Anna Spencer, Part I

Estate Planning with Anna Spencer ,Part II

Financial Planning with Dianne Webb


Why and How You Should Create A Trust & Estate Plan

What is the Difference between HSA and FSA?

Preparing Your Advanced Directives

Signing a Health Care Surrogate Form

Additional Resources
