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By Michelle LaFlamme

You were in love

Longing to covet

One body part

Fierce on the outside

Unfixable cracks

The inner core

Was not nurtured

Striving continued

Both day and night

To make the “perfect home”

Three offspring

To carry our names

One beloved grandmother

Carried to the grave

Weeping cracks

A broken foundation

I jumped the wall

I built a future

Peter had other ideas

Shame and doubt

Became my friends


Came for a visit

Now is the moment

Let’s sell her home

Almost, but not enough

Shall I cheat?

And try to get caught

It will be enough

There are no more

Happy Pills

24 years, mostly bad

You called down to me

From your successes

Happy anniversary!

I went to bed

Closed my eyes

Waiting for just one

Brave Moment


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