By Brookshire McDonald
I thought I didn’t have words for a poem
But found out I was wrong.
That would have been true
If I were writing a song.
The “Write a Poem Month”
Is now upon us;
So with pen in hand I’ll begin
Without a fuss.
SBC has grown rapidly
As the years passed by.
Now it’s time to reveal
Just exactly why.
William and Laura had a dream
They wanted to come true,
So they embraced many avenues
For me and for you.
Their plan expanded
Along the way
Until it overflowed
As recently as today.
Thousands have a brighter future
As they wasted not a second to spare.
Through education, support groups, and advocating
They did share.
Everyone has gained much hope
To which to cling
As additional support
They did bring.
So to “April is Write a Poem Month”
I would like to add
Words of happiness
That have made us glad.
A “Celebration Day” to include
A “Thank You” too
For the works you’ve done
To make your dreams come true.
“Thank you” for your time, your talents,
And your vision for all
The dream you had for sure
Was very tall.
William and Laura I’d like to call this
A “Day of Honor” for each of you
As we’ve been witness
To your dreams coming true.
For those whose lives
Have benefited from it,
We send continued wishes
And love that will never quit.
Brookshire McDonald, Patron Saint
For April 26, 2024 SBC “Write a Poem Month”

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