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In The Quiet Realm (forever renowned)

By William Laferriere

“One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh; but

the earth abideth forever…. The sun also ariseth, and the

sun goeth down, and hasteth to the place where he arose…”


In the quiet realm where courage dwells,

A tale unfolds, resilience swells.

Beneath the canvas of the morning sky,

A sunrise paints hope, a refusal to die.

In the hush before the dawn’s embrace,

Breast cancer survivors find solace and grace.

Each ray that breaks through the night’s cocoon,

Echoes the strength of those who’ve faced the gloom.

As the sun ascends with golden hue,

So do these warriors, brave and true.

They’ve journeyed through shadows, faced the unknown,

Yet their spirits persist, and brightly shone.

With every sunrise, triumph declare,

Against the solemn whispers of despair.

The morning chorus, a melody strong,

Sings of endurance, a victory song.

But as the sun climbs, it too must descend,

A metaphor for life, a tale to attend.

Yet in the twilight, where shadows may fall,

Survivors stand tall, defying it all.

The sunset whispers stories untold,

Of battles fought, of hearts made bold.

Yet, in the fading light, a promise is found,

That strength endures, forever unbound.

For with each day, a cycle complete,

Survivors rise, their victory sweet.

From sunrise to sunset, a journey profound,

Breast cancer survivors, forever renowned.

Dedicated to Dawn


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