By Lourdes D. Heras
These six-letter dreadful words I hear
In solitude’s embrace, in the shadow of darkness, I battle unseen, unheard.
Cancer you said?
This cruel touch, a relentless and silent one, has come into my temple.
Starting today after hearing the word, my nights and days are devoid of light, my heart, my heart, my mind.
I wage a war, obscured from sight.
No hand to hold, no comforting embrace, no I love you, No WE will beat this fight or be OK.
All I hear... is just whispered prayers in this empty space.
In the depths of isolation, many fears in silence cross my mind.
I dare not say, I dare not think of what it would be if …
I pick myself up and fight.
I love ME, I love YOU body.
In solitude, I become a soldier in the darkest of nights, keeping watch.
You will be okay, I promise that!
Albeit, the endless nights, I walk this path alone.
My voice still echoes, a quiet drone.
You will be okay, I promise that!
For in my struggle, I raise a plea, a cry for awareness, for all to see.
Again, can you see, can you please comfort me?
In this solitude, I scream and cry inside my mind.