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By William Laferriere

I’m not suggesting one should “make a better life,”

because it’s uncertain why progress is critical.

By all means bear in mind the adage that

“She not busy being born

is busy dying.”

But I am suggesting that you live life.

Not just endure,

not just suffer,

not just pass through,

but live it.

Stare it down.

Understand who you are,

and what you are,

and where you’ve come from,

And better still, where you’re going.

Take chances.

Recognize your own body of work.

Learn to enjoy it,

and be proud.

Express yourself,

write epic poetry,

paint your vision,

seek destiny,

sing that song of yourself,

channel Dorothy,

create that new narrative.

Seize upon every moment,

every nuance,

every metamorphosis,

while reconstituting.

Today happens but once.

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