By Gina Capobianco
Growing from cancer.
I am not the person I was at diagnosis.
Cancer tried to take my life.
It made me sick.
Took me to the depths of a dark place,
But I emerged from the darkness.
Fought back against the cancer.
Like a flower growing from dark soil
I have bloomed.
I am a different person.
Stronger, more reflective.
Cancer’s poisonous grip did not strangle me.
I took root and grew.
My will to live fought cancer’s will to kill.
Now, I have a chance at life.
I see so many options.
New directions I can follow.
My roots grow strong in the dark soil.
A beautiful bloom replaces the darkness.
With each breath I grow stronger,
More resilient.
Ready to truly live for the first time in my life.
I have grown,