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Diet and Breast Cancer

Because of early detection strategies and advances in cancer treatments, survival rates among those diagnosed with breast cancer are improving. With more women (and men) living longer, more research is starting to emerge on how a healthy lifestyle reduces mortality and improves quality of life. Maintaining a healthy weight, eating well, and moving your body also has a positive effect in fighting fatigue, stiffness, and other side effects brought on by breast cancer treatment. Additionally, much of this research centers around how diet, nutrition, and exercise, can have either protective or risk-increasing effects. It’s important to note that the word “diet” simply refers to what one eats, and not necessarily dieting to lose weight. Below we share insights on foods you may want to either incorporate or avoid to maintain or enhance your health after a breast cancer diagnosis.

“[Many] studies make it seem possible that if you had no sugar in your diet it could help stop cancer developing or growing. But all our other cells also need glucose to survive, and there’s no way of letting just the healthy cells get the amount of glucose they need while starving the cancer cells.

Perhaps the most important prescription for cancer patients is to limit the amount of sugar in our diet, read our labels, enjoy simple unprocessed foods, and follow the advice of our nutritionist/oncology team to focus on getting the nutrients you need to stay strong during and after treatment. In short, eat the healthy sugars found in fruits and veggies while shying away from the cookies, cakes, and processed cereals.” Read More

“Research tells us that individuals that follow five essential habits—eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, keeping a healthy body weight, not drinking too much alcohol, and not smoking—live more than a decade longer than those who don’t. Maintaining these practices may help us live longer and potentially protect us from diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some cancers.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a magical diet that guarantees protection against breast cancer or any foods that can cure cancer. However, some foods can make your body as healthy as possible, boost your immune system, minimize your risk, and even some that may control the side effects of treatments.” Read More.

“Natural soy foods contain phytoestrogens, plant-based estrogen compounds. Since estrogen is linked to certain types of hormonal breast cancer, many individuals fear that soy can increase their risk for breast cancer development. There have been several research studies conducted to assess the association between soy consumption and breast cancer development; animal studies have primarily established a positive correlation between soy consumption and breast cancer, but human population studies have not produced this same result.” Read More.

Foods that may alleviate insomnia include poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, butternut squash seeds, herbs like valerian and lavender, and honey. Ginger is also great for nausea. Read More.


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