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  • Writer's pictureSurviving Breast Cancer

Walk Through The Hard Things And Keep Going

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

By Erin Perkins

I discovered a lump on the side of my right breast two years ago now, in November 2020. My son was still nursing so I noticed oddities in my breast more obviously. I had felt pressed to get an annual exam right before the lump surfaced, but I canceled the appointment because of Covid-19, and because my new primary care doctor said the annual did not include a breast exam. Now that I felt the lump, I also noticed I could see it protruding in the mirror. I worried, and simultaneously brushed it off. Over Christmas time with family, I decided I needed to get it checked since Dr. Google did not have any definitive answers for me. I saw my new primary care doctor on January 12, 2021, hoping she would say that it looked like nothing.

She didn't. Instead, she ordered an ultrasound (I didn't know they did those for breasts) and a mammogram (my first one). I went a few days later, totally sure it was nothing. It wasn't nothing, but the techs and even the radiology doctor gave me no clarity. I left with an appointment for a breast and lymph node biopsy, and I cried a long time in my car before I drove home to my family. I still thought it would come back benign. A story for another day- my breast biopsy was done by a surgeon my primary care doctor thought might be a good fit for me. The surgeon was not a good fit, and I elected to transfer care. However, she did the diagnostic breast biopsy (not the lymph node biopsy), and she needed to give the results. I asked for them over the phone, and hopeful, I took the call as a quick break from playing in our first snowy North Carolina day of the winter with my family. It was January 28th, 2021 when the surgeon said the dreaded words, “Your breast tumor is malignant.” I was to turn 35 years old days later. The surgeon wouldn’t tell me much else, as she didn’t understand or approve of my request for transfer of care. She simply said, “It’s invasive ductal carcinoma. The new surgeon will explain it all to you when you meet her.”

I had to wait until February 2nd for details. All I knew was that there was cancer in my breast, and it could have spread. After transferring care, with the thousand percent better surgeon by my side, I learned more information little by little. I learned I had Triple Negative IDC, then that the stage was IIB, the tumor was 3.6cm, and that although there was a suspicious lymph node in the diagnostic ultrasound, and in the breast MRI, the cancer had in fact not spread, and was indeed likely localized to my right breast. I had genetic testing and I learned many weeks later that I do not have any genes that make cancer more likely for me. I was given a port on the right side of my upper chest, and I started my 16 rounds of chemotherapy two days later on February 26th. I received four rounds of AC and 12 rounds of Taxol, and I finished chemo on July 9th, one week before my ten-year wedding anniversary.

I was then given the choice whether to have a lumpectomy with radiation to follow, or a mastectomy without. It took me many weeks to decide, and I finally landed on bilateral mastectomy to flat because my radiation oncologists told me he would offer post mastectomy radiation to me if I did not receive Pathology Complete Response (PCR). I had my bilateral mastectomy on August 6th, and received the news with elation on August 9th, that I had PCR.

Throughout my experience with cancer this year, I have leaned heavily into my faith and trust in God, believing and feeling that regardless of my outcome He is my refuge and my hope. I also leaned into my community and family, and all around felt held and cared for, and I’m just more deeply connected to my body, my community, and God now. I am processing my experience through writing. I have a blog where I share more in depth during and after Chemo. And I’ll say lastly that I am so hopeful that I’m done with cancer, but painstakingly aware that there is no way to know or control whether or not that is true. So I am just figuring out how to live here, in early survivorship. I’ve loved getting to know local friends with breast cancer through the North Carolina Breast Cancer Facebook group, the TNBC Thrivers through Instagram and monthly Zoom chats, the Elephants and Tea cancer survivors at their Friday happy hour, the Wildfire BC Magazine community at writing pop ups and paid workshops and through the print magazine, The Young Breast Cancer Project, and other ANGEL advocates through joining an advocacy cohort training with the Tigerlily Foundation and now sharing my story with Surviving Breast Cancer.

I’m now a part of this whole world of people, thrivers before me and during, who find ways to walk through the hard things and keep going.


Connect with Erin on IG: @erinleeperkins

Thank you for sharing your story, Erin. SBC loves you! Resources & Support:

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Upcoming Events


Surviving Breast Cancer provides breast cancer support, events, and webinars at no cost to you! Whether you are looking to gain more knowledge on a particular topic or meet up with other breast cancer survivors, we have something for everyone. 


Our standing appointment on Thursdays is for all stages. We also host specific breakout groups once a month for specific stages and subtypes such as Metastatic breast cancer, and Inflammatory Breast Cancer, etc. 


The Book Club meets the first Sunday of every month at 11 am ET. You are welcome to join each month or pick and choose your month based on your availability and the book we are reading. 


Through art, writing, and other creative modalities, we hold the power to manage our stress, make sense of our now, and relax into moments of stillness. 


Free, monthly, online classes in restorative yoga, yoga for breast cancer, and Zumba. 


Después de un Diagnóstico

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