The San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) takes place annually in early December and has become the coveted event of the year! For 43 years, experts have been gathering to discuss and present state-of-the-art research in breast cancer. What once was a local one-day regional conference back in 1977 has expanded into a five-day international symposium attracting 8000+ physicians, researchers, surgical, gynecologic, and radiation oncology, as well as patient advocates from across 90+ countries.
From research presentations, poster sessions, networking, and advocacy, SABCS 2020, in it's virtual environment this year, did not let us down. In case you missed the flurry of #SABCS2020 going viral across twitter, this week's #FeatureFriday curates our key take-a-ways and hot topics from the conference.
Did you attend any of the sessions? What were your highlights and favorite sessions?
Let us know at hello@survivingbreastcancer.org.
~SBC Editorial Team