By Brookshire McDonald
I thought I was being smart
And so you see,
I started planning for Christmas
As early as could be.
With six children
And spouses, too,
There’s a lot of gifting
For me to do.
In addition I have 15 grands
And a brother I love very much.
I think of their personal passions
To keep me well in touch.
With iPad in hand
And thoughts in mind,
I begin my orders
Including one of a kind.
Then I search for flights
To join daughter and family.
Three of my grands are there
Waiting their GeeGee to see.
The month goes by
Sorta fast,
And Christmas Eve has arrived;
‘Tis here at last.
Suitcase gifts from GeeGee
Is a grandma tradition;
So off I go
With this addition.
Arriving at the airport two hours early
As directed,
I soon found an adventure
I had not expected.
I settled in
At my designated gate,
Soon to find out
My plane was late.
I checked the schedule board
As often as I could,
But nothing was improving
As it should.
So there I sat
Hour in and hour out
While passengers
Were mulling all about.
In the meantime I met a couple of men
Waiting for the exact same flight.
The rescuer I am I thought about
Taking them home for the night.
My children I could hear
In the back of my mind,
M-O-T-H-E-R it could not be safe
To be so kind.
Two of my children
Began to text
“Go home; go home
You don’t know what’s next.”
You could get stuck in Orlando
Four days or more
Never making it to Birmingham
That’s for “Shore.”
Spending Christmas with alligators
Was not a good thought,
Because what about my grandchildren
And the gifts I had bought?