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Le Tour (An allegory)

By William Laferriere

I’ve taken such great pleasure

In watching a few of the latest Tour de France

Bicycle race segments.

I’m captivated and cannot help but draw

Upon the many parallels of the peloton

To our extensive breast cancer community.

I dwell on it as a metaphorical gestalt:

The peloton represents the community,

The coaches, strategists and drivers

Our myriad medical teams

The spectators our friends, families, caregivers, & coworkers.

For the peloton serves admirably as a collective body

Depicting a united front and

Represents our community writ large.

The suffering, crashes, heat, crosswinds,

Constant elbows, technical bike issues, losses, wins,

Resemble our many successes, difficulties, setbacks, & colossal side effects,

As we too seek to drive forward,

To survive and prosper

And to enjoy the road ahead of us.

We observe the peloton as the bicyclist’s best weapon against

The many provocative challenges,

Mountains, weather, slick roads,

Incalculable distances,

Pedestrians clogging the pathway,

And represents how

We as a community

Can best beat back our many tests

Trials and travails.

The peloton serves a familial duty

In retrieving & returning the breakaway/lead riders,

It also performs the admirable task

Of recovering those that fall behind, & protects those

Who have tumbled.

The teammates and coaches within

Constantly remind each other

To take advantage of drafting techniques

& of hydration and nutrition’s vast import

For all recognize the significance

Of appropriate fueling, output and rest.

And so we too head towards

The legacy of a finish line

And know that our collective efforts

Are most certainly appreciated,

Respected, admired, and acclaimed.


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