You get it
I get it
We all need a little sunshine
What we need
And what we get can be different
Go outside and get some sunshine
And some free vitamin D
We all need vitamin D
I’m happy to wake up
Sit up and put my feet on the ground
I tell myself I’m going to tackle today
Today, as in the present
We all like presents
Worry about today
Not tomorrow
Not yesterday
But today
Enjoy the present
Open it and keep it
Go outside for 10 minutes
What more can you ask for
Today is the day
Worry about today only
Get your sunshine on
Embrace the sun
Let it hit your face
Breathe the air
Enjoy that sunshine
Enjoy the air
We don’t know what tomorrow brings
So breathe
Take some deep breaths
Look around
Soak it all in
That vitamin D
Have a sunny D
Don’t stay too long
You don’t want to get burnt
Just 10 minutes
We all like free
My daughter told me I was her sunshine
You can be someone’s sunshine too
Shine on